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Ensinamentos Sobre Como Atrair o Interesse e Negociar com Investidores

Ensinamentos da AxialMarket sobre como atrair o interesse de investidores e como negociar no NDA, entre outras várias dicas!

Prior to and during the course of selling a company, buyers (strategic buyers, financial buyers, lenders, investors) will require business owners to produce and (in some cases) sign many documents.

Some of these documents are marketing documents that present the business (teasers, confidential information memorandums, PPMs, Executive Summaries, etc), some are information requests (updated financial information, customer contracts, customer data, etc), and some are actual legal documents that must be reviewed carefully and then executed.

Knowing how to prepare, produce, and review all of these documents is a skill set all unto itself, which is why most entrepreneurs who have built valuable businesses always retain the help of a banker, broker, lawyer, and accountant instead of trying to do it all on their own.

This white paper is for CEOs, business owners and entrepreneurs looking for simple, practical education on how to sell their company.

We encourage M&A bankers, M&A lawyers, wealth managers, and CPAs to share the paper with their clients to ensure entrepreneurs understand the complexities of the M&A process and how important it is to have professional help and advice.

Feel free to send us any comments or questions at research@axialmarket.com.

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